Friday, January 19, 2018

2A – Bug List

1.) people driving slow in the left lane Why: A lot of people are not aware that the left lane is meant to be the faster lane. 2.) delayed shipping on something you ordered Why: I ordered this thing a week before Christmas. It is from a small company and they got slammed at a busy time. 3.) people walking really slowly in large groups Why: When there is a large group of people talking, they are easily distracted and not paying attention to their walking pace. 4.) the drinking age in America being 21 even though you can go to war at 18 and it is socially accepted that kids in their late teens drink Why: It is believed that this decreases the amount of alcohol related car crashes (which it doesn't). 5.) getting out of a hot shower when it is really cold in my apartment Why: We try to save money by never turning the heat on, so when it gets cold in Gainesville we freeze. 6.) the elevator always breaking in my apartment building Why: The building was built very cheap and rushed. 7.) people trying to tell me how to drive when they are in my car Why: I am a very confident and aggressive driver and this makes some people uncomfortable. 8.) people complaining about my music selection when they are in my car Why: I have a pretty unique taste in music for someone my age and my generation has horrible taste. 9.) people talking during concerts Why: Some people view concerts as more of a social event than a performance. 10.) my car getting wrongfully towed Why: I got a new car and had to change my assigned parking spot. The tow company mistakingly thought I was parked in the wrong spot. 11.) my car getting dirty after a couple days since it has been washed Why: My new parking spot is under a leaky pipe. 12.) having to get a new tooth brush every couple of weeks Why: I brush my teeth pretty aggressively and often so the tooth brushes wear down quickly. 13.) not knowing how to pump your own gas if you're from Oregon Why: Until this year in the state of Oregon, there were attendants that pumped gas for people. 14.) having to dress in layers almost half the year if you're from up north Why: The climate in the northern United States is much colder than it is in Florida. 15.) doctors working long night shifts Why: There always has to be doctors available, so a lot of doctors have to work long and late shifts. 16.) commercials Why: Television stations make almost all of their money through commercials. 17.) people only taking the elevator to the 2nd floor in my apartment building Why: Some people are too lazy to go up one flight of stairs. 18.) washing machines that make loud noises Why: Some older washing machines are not nearly as quiet or efficient as newer ones. 19.) dry skin from cold weather Why: I'm used to humid and hot days, so when it gets cold and the air is dry my skin is sensitive. 20.) people checking their phones at dinner Why: The world today is driven by social media.

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